Hall of Mirror

Hall Of Mirror

giovedì 10 gennaio 2019

Unconscious Room

Buonasera, torno dopo mesi... Nel frattempo ho caricato alcune delle cose ivi presenti su wordpress. Ho scritto anche altro che pubblicherò sia qui che lì, intanto eccovi la nuova creatura: un dialogo tra me e la mia signora in nero. 

Anger room full of my pain oh full room
I want to destroy you
You’re so superb I hate you when sight to my ear:
Is my time now,  are you still going to kick out me?
How can you refuse me?
Go away the Orlando’s fury is coming
I want to kill you!
How can you if I’m you? Isn’t the rubble enough?
As the power of the epicenter,  my rage will put the rubble into dust
And what can you build with dust?
Take me in your arms,
The showdown is in the alley
What treasure hides in your maze?
I can be your charioteer.
I want to defeat you,  painfull hearth is my poison.
Stop seducing me
I’m tired of you, I want to kill you  to free my contempt.
I don’t want to feel anything anymore, black wrath.
Why do you tempt me?
Accept me, and the undertow will calm down

La canzone di questa sera ♪♫♪ : Bruce Dickinson - Tears Of The Dragon